Wedding Dress Alterations: Basic Tips for the Bride

You’ve found your gown and now it’s time to schedule your fitting. How exciting! But, going into this process, there are some basic tips you need to know. It very rarely (if ever) happens that your wedding dress won’t need some kind of alteration. It’s normal, so be prepared. You want your dress to fit you like a glove, and that will take some work. You need to consider how it fits everywhere on your body as well as the length. And don’t forget to take your shoes and undergarments with you!

Choose a seamstress

Choosing who is going to do the alterations for your wedding gown is the most important thing to consider.

Basic Alterations

 There are a few main types of wedding dress alterations.


Wedding gown alterations are to be included as part of your overall wedding budget. But, since every dress and every bride is different, it is impossible to give you an exact quote or amount.