Tips for Finding Your Perfect Wedding Florist!

Do you dream of a garden wedding overflowing with beautiful blooms? Or are you a minimalist bride who wants to keep things more simple? Either way, flowers will play a big role in setting the vibe for your wedding day. They are a tradition that has stood the test of time. They are used in the ceremony, reception, for bridesmaids, the flower girl in some cases, and let’s not forget about the all-important bridal bouquet. So, where do you start when it comes to choosing your perfect florist? Start here…

Book it early!

You want to choose your florist earlier in the wedding planning. The best florists in your area may be booked up to a year in advance during peak times. So, even if you are unsure of what type of flowers you want to use, go ahead and book a good florist well in advance. You can always choose the actual flowers later.

Tip: You want a florist who can deliver the flowers you order when and where you want them. You also want a florist who is personable and easy to talk to. He or she must be flexible and be aware of your needs.

Get recommendations!

Talk to other friends and family members who have recently been married. Ask them who their florist was and ask to see photos if you didn’t get to attend the wedding. They can also give you important feedback on what kind of experience they had. So, don’t be afraid to ask questions. They have been there and know how important it is.

Set a Budget!

Set a budget, and stick to it. You need to be crystal clear on what you are willing or can spend on flowers. Flowers typically take up about 10% of your wedding budget, but that amount differs depending on the couple, of course. When you come up with a figure, be sure and present it to all the florists you talk with and see who can give you more for you money. Compare prices and keep notes. You will be very glad you did!

Ask for References!

When you think you’ve found the perfect florist, be sure and ask for references. Any good florist should be able to provide this to you via previous clients. Furthermore, checking out online reviews is a good idea if it is a trustworthy source. If a florist refuses to give you references or even hesitates, take that as a big red flag.


Researching flowers for your wedding is always a good idea. Take time to look online or browse your fave bridal magazines. It’s amazing how many beautiful buds, arrangements and themes there are out there! Make a list of the things you like and take these ideas to your florist for more information.