Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue: Meanings and Ideas

If you’re a stickler for superstition, then you are planning on walking down the aisle with something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue in your bridal ensemble. But what you choose is up to you–you can stick with something totally traditional, or try something a little outside the box.

Below is a quick meaning of what these items represent and some ideas to help get your started!

Something Old

Something old signifies the bride’s past. It’s a way to bring a piece of your old life and combine it with your new life to come. As you probably guessed, the most common items used for this are jewelry and the wedding dress–things that have been passed down from a family member or friend.

There is no rule that the “something old” has to be from someone you know. So, how about a gorgeous little vintage bridal purse? Or, even bridal shoes! Vintage shoes can be so much fun, not to mention super chic! Check out your local vintage boutiques and online shops for lots of variety. 

If you do find yourself longing to use grandma’s or mom’s wedding dress in some way, think about just using a piece of the fabric or lace from the gown to wrap around the base or stems of your bouquet. How sweet is that? You can also use heirloom jewelry on your bouquet, whether it be earrings, a locket, etc.–attach it to the stem and you have a lovely look to suit your sentimental heart.

Something New

Something new signifies the promise of hope and good things to come in the bride and groom’s future. In most cases, brides consider their wedding dress or wedding rings to fit the bill. But, it can be just about anything in your bridal ensemble.

Writing “new” vows instead of using traditional vows is a personal and touching way to go. It also gets your spouse-to-be involved! The “something new” is a great way to show off your personal style and vibe. Your choices are wide open here!

Something Borrowed

Something borrowed represents the good fortune of the couple. Many brides borrow earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. Handkerchiefs are also a traditional choice.

But, don’t forget about Dad! This is the perfect opportunity to include him in your look. How about Dad’s wedding tie, hankie, or pocket square? Again, using your bouquet, simply wrap the fabric around the base of your bouquet for something beautiful and unique!

Some brides may not think about borrowing a wedding veil, but vintage style veils can be just stunning if it goes with your look. Just like today’s veils, vintage styles are made in an array of lengths, with fabulous fabrics and designs. Maybe a family member or friend as one that may work for you!

Something Blue

The color blue signifies love, modesty and fidelity. Of course the classic blue garter is the first thing that pops into mind. If you want to go with that choice, great! But, you can also get a little more creative.

Think blue stoned jewelry, blue wedding shoes, or even a touch of blue in the wedding dress can be lovely, like our Willowby, Hutton dress below.

And don’t forget about your nails! Paint your fingernails or toenails your favorite shade of blue for a fun place to show off a pop of color!