While fall is a time to kick back and relax it can also be the perfect time to craft! If you’ve got a wedding coming up, don’t waste these valuable moments.

There are details in planning a wedding that you would have never thought even cost money, let alone how much. These are the details that make a wedding perfect and these are the details that you might not remember too.
How do you decide how much money to spend on these tiny details? They are important but not long lasting so it can be a difficult conundrum. A great way to solve this problem is to do it yourself! When these small details are handmade they not only take on an added dimension of sentimentality but they also become much less expensive. A DIY project is great for those rainy fall days or those that are still too hot to enjoy some fun in the sun. A lot of DIY projects can be done on the beach or on your porch. Get your future partner involved or call the girls because this can turn into one really good night.
Dipping anything in gold glitter paint is the DIY equivalent of wrapping something in bacon. If you are using candles as a way of adding ambience, warmth or light to your wedding you might want to consider coating them in gold glitter paint or dipping the votives in gold glitter paint for an added dimension of color and texture. Gold glitter paint will take anything from blah to luxe in the time it takes to dry. If you don’t have something in mind that you want to dip in gold glitter paint it might be a good time to hit up some local craft stores or discount lots. Find small wooden animals, feathers, keys – any detail that really speaks to you. Once it is dipped in gold glitter paint it will be the perfect addition to the bouquet of flowers, it will round out the tablescape, it will serve as an escort card or who knows? Maybe it will even turn into a truly unique and glamorous cake topper!
Another easy DIY is candles. Candlemaking might seem like an art that died with witch-hunting in Puritan America but you don’t need to become a candlestick maker to present your guests or deck out your table with ombre candlesticks. You just need some acrylic paint and a cotton ball to turn ordinary candlesticks extraordinary. They will look specially ordered or exclusively made but only you will know how cheap and easy they are!