Unlock the mystery to easy seating at your wedding by using vintage keys.

You’ve probably put a lot of thought into your seating arrangements. Many brides have to begin working on theirs right away using large whiteboards or drawing elaborate maps and plans. It can make or break a guest’s experience of your wedding if they are sitting next to the wrong person and it can be a great opportunity to play matchmaker if you seat two guests together that you know will hit it off. If you have put so much thought into your seating arrangements then you want to show it off not only by having a room full of happy guests but by laying out the arrangement in a pretty way.
Depending on the size of your wedding and the time you can’t individually escort each guest to their table and even if you could you want to make sure they remember or can find it again. Escort cards are a neat way to let your guests know about the seating arrangements and an easy way to lead them to their tables. A typical escort card will have the guest’s name and either the number of the table or some information as to the whereabouts of the table. Escort cards are also a place to get creative or decorative with your wedding planning. An adorable idea we’ve recently come across is to use vintage keys attached to cardstock tags to create escort cards. This is a super easy DIY project and all you would need is cardstock, ribbons and handfuls of vintage keys. Any vintage or thrift shop worth its mettle will have loads of these keys on hand otherwise you can order them in bulk at craft stores most assuredly. These are usually just old keys, if they are oversized or stylized in some way thats even better but without any doors to unlock think of them as the key to having a memorable wedding! They are great decor attached to an escort card and are easily transformed into a wedding keepsake as well.
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