Pretty in Pink! [blog]
Pink isn’t just for a little girl’s room or for your bridal shower. Pink might be ultra feminine but it’s also gutsy and romantic too! Plan a pink wedding, everyone else is!

Gwen Stefani, Jessica Biel, Anne Hathaway–it seems like all the celebrities are already on board the train for a pink wedding dress. Let’s take it one step further to plan the ultimate pink wedding. Many brides shy away from pink being a prominent color in their wedding decor and planning because it seems alienating. Pink is still “for the girls” and brides are afraid their guys aren’t going to warm up to such a frothy and confectionary color. Hopefully though, your guy and your guy’s guys will understand that pink doesn’t just come in one shade of girly and outdated. Pink has many different faces and there’s one type of pink for everyone!
The many personalities of pink are not just in its shading but also in its uses. Blush is the second most popular color for wedding gowns and it can also be a big hit in wedding planning. Less than romantic or loud pinks, blush is understated and subtle. This means that blush can pair well with lots of colors. It can be paired with other pastels or muted tones to create a serene palette or it can be used to tone down bold colors. A great way to use blush is to use a touch of it like a magic wand. If you are wearing a blush colored gown coordinate with your man to have him add some blush to his vest or tie and you two will look like the perfect couple. Blush is also more sophisticated than other pinks so you need not worry about a childish factor. It will romantic and feminine like other shades of pink but it will also feel grown up and luxurious. If you don’t want to overcommit to pink runners and seat covers or even to a pink dress blush accents such as shoes or flowers are another simple and easy way to add the soft, romantic element that pink always brings to the table.
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Gwen Stefani –
Jessica Beil –
Anne Hathaway –