Where is that limo headed?

You’ve said, “I Do”, danced lated into the night and ridden off into the sunset with your new Prince Charming. At this point in your wedding day you must be over the moon, but what happens next? Well you might be jumping straight on a plane for your honeymoon but most people are heading to a hotel room or maybe even back to their own homes for a night of rest and relaxation… and maybe something more. This is your own private afterparty to the wedding and nobody else is invited. What are you going to do?
Well for starters, stuff your faces. A little hint: you are going to be exhausted after your wedding. No matter how small or how short the ceremony is you will just be so tired. Even if you spent all night sitting on a throne and greeting guests weddings are emotionally trying because you will go through a large spectrum of feelings and fast too! You will feel scared and nervous and elated and excited and very, very loved but it takes a lot of energy to feel all those feelings especially when there isn’t really time to process what they all mean. So as you and your new husband reach your final destination for the evening take some time to yourselves. You might be planning on having a lot of time to yourselves actually, but before that part we suggest dinner. You may find yourselves too tired to talk or you might be gushing to rehash every intimate detail but all of that can be done over a hot plate of food. Plan ahead and order yourself a meal, have it hot and waiting for you (or easily reheatable) and make sure it is full of carbs because you will not only need to replenish the lost energy but you’re going to need a lot more for the night ahead!
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