There are dozens and dozens of styles to choose from for when deciding on the right hairstyle for your big day. To list them all would impossible. But once you narrow it down to one of the following four categories, then I will be time to think about what bridal headpiece will work best with your wedding day do. Below is a rundown of things to keep in mind and tips to help you choose the perfect headpiece to fit your hairstyle.

Tight up-do: Tight up-dos are styles such as a tight bun, French twists, or even tight barrel curls on top of the head, to name a few. The look is very structured and is popular with modern brides and traditional brides alike. With this look you want to go for something that will not mess it up—perhaps a non-combed tiara or headband. Bridal hair pins are great too. Avoid combs because if they need adjusted it may ruin your perfectly done hairstyle.
Loose up-do: The loose up-d0 hairstyle is all over the place these days. Brides love the non-fuss look of a messy or tossled up do. It gives the look an effortless style yet still elegant and beautiful. Loose low buns are popular, as are high ponytails with flowing locks. With this sort of hairstyle the only thing you can’t get away with are bridal hair pins, depending on the style. If the style is too loose they may fall out. Headbands seem to be the accessory that works best.
Half down: The half up, half down do has been gaining popularity. Whether your hair will be straight or curled, it is definitely one of the harder styles in which to find the proper headpiece. Bridal combs are a good option, as they can be stunning and help hold the up part of the hair in place. Headbands and tiaras can be tricky, but they can work if you find the right one. Stay away from bridal hair pins unless the top do is very tight.
All down: The all down look is very popular for casual weddings and for gals with shorter hair. There are, however, restrictions when it comes to the hair accessories. Combs won’t work; pins won’t work. Tiaras and headbands are the way to go. They can be small or large, depending on your personal style. The great thing about am all down do is that you can remove your headpiece at some point if you want!
See also:
Five Tips On Using A Bridal Hair Piece
Five Types of Bridal Hair Piece to Choose From
Bridal Hairstyles: What Style to Wear with Your Wedding Gown Neckline?