As many brides have seen on the runways, bridal bows are a huge trend this season. Vera Wang made them very prominent in her collections, and now they are everywhere. Bows are gorgeous in that they are a wink and a nudge to the 1940s—think of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Many brides want to make allusions to that glamorous time, and so they incorporate the look into their wedding ensemble. However, oversized bows may scare some brides away—especially ones that are in the hair (which we have seen a lot of this year). If you are one of those brides, don’t worry. There are other ways to get the vintage look of the bow without feeling like the bow is upstaging you!

On your wedding gown: There are many wedding dresses out there that have oversized bows on the back of the dress. But this is not the only option. If you love the look of the bow, check out styles that have a bow on the shoulder for a statement look your guests won’t soon forget. You can also have a bow made and placed wherever you want on your gown. Horsehair bows are very popular this year—and they come in colors.
As a bridal headpiece: As said above, the oversized bow in the hair can be a bit much. Good thing you can find smaller versions in the form of headbands and even bird cage veils. This look is so sweet and you can pick and choose just how large or small you want the bow to be.
On your bridal shoes: This is a hot trend and so very easy to find. Many bridal shoe designers are attaching large bows on the back of the shoe and even the front of the shoe for a very dramatic look. If this is not for you, simply buy clip-on bows in a small size and attach them anywhere you heart desires.
Around your bouquet: This is a new trend made popular by creative DIY brides. Talk about a clever way to incorporate a bow without it dominating your overall look. All you have to do is find a fabric that you love and that compliments the colors of your bouquet and overall décor, then tie it around the base of your bridal bouquet for a lovely whimsical look. The size of the bow is up to you… again, get creative!
See also:
Which bridal jewelry set is right for you?
Great combinations with precious stones
How to glam up your gown on a budget